How to Use an Electric Smoker
Smoking some meat can be better cooked in an electric smoker instead of using the traditional method, of smoking through charcoals. The electric smoker can be proved very beneficial for smoking as they provide you an opportunity to properly monitor the temperature and other requirements of a dish. Within some few hours you can easily smoke the entire meat, with more convenience and little effort. The electric smoker allows you to manage the time also, which is a greater benefit of using it.
Read: Seasoning an Electric Smoker
Here I am going to share with you some best methods that you can use to use different types of electric smokers.
- Masterbuilt Electric Smoker
- Master Built Electric Bullet Smoker
- Masterbuilt Pro Electric Smoker
- Charbroil Electric Smoker
- Brinkmann Electric Smoker
- Smoke Hollow Electric Smoker
- Bradley Electric Smoker
- Pit Boss Electric Smoker
- Top Load Chief Electric Smoker
- Electric Vertical Smoker
- Char Broil Vertical Smoker
- The Final Thought
Masterbuilt Electric Smoker
The masterbuilt electric smoker is among those smokers that are the easiest in terms if their use. To use this electric smoker you just have to switch on the smoker, set the temperature and the time and let the smoker prepare your favorite dish for you within some hours.
Here in this tutorial I will be showing you the method for using the smoker in order to cook some ribs.
As an initial step, prepare the meat and wood chips.
In the second step you need to turn on the masterbuilt electric smoker and keep it running so that it gets heated properly. Here the temperature depends upon the type of meat you are going to cook.
In the next step you need to put the meat inside the smoker. Put the meat carefully in the best way, inside the smoker to avoid any kind of damage and carry everything smoothly.
In the next step, we are going to add some wood chips to the smoker. Here we are going to use hickory and Applewood. Take out the chip holder from the smoker and add those chips to it. Slide in the chip holder inside the smoker. You need to keep the remaining chips near it, as we are going to add more and more chips every 30 to 45 minutes.
In this step, we are going to set the timer for your masterbuilt smoker. Here we are going to set the timer for 2 hours. Then we will take out the meat and wrap in the foil. After that we are going to put the meat back in the smoker for another hour and we will be done.
Best way to clean Masterbuilt Electric Smoker
Once you have prepared your delicious meat, it’s time to clean your master built electric smoker. Before starting to clean your smoker, it’s important to let all the parts cool down. This will help you avoid any kind of damage that can cause some problems in your circuit.
- For cleaning the exterior surface of the smoker, it is important for you yo use soup solution. After you’re done make sure to dry all the exterior parts
- Soup solution can also be used to clean the interior surface. However, you will need a hard brush for this purpose.
Master Built Electric Bullet Smoker
To use the master built electric bullet smoker, use the following general steps. This electric smoker is better or the pro, and will give you competition ready results.
In first step, plug in the smoker, and turn it on. Then after that set the analog controls, that will include the temperature and moisture level. The maximum temperature should be 275 Fahrenheit.
Add some amount of wood chips, in the woodchips tray. Here you can use hickory, mesquite, alder, maple, apple or cheery.
Now put the meat inside the electric smoker. But before doing this just make sure the smoke is coming out of the smoker. The temperature of the cooked meat will be something between 190 to 200 F. Once you are done take the meat outside of the smoker and wrap it in a foil and again put it in the smoker and leave for almost an hour.
Remove the meat from the smoker and switch off the smoker, and you are done.
Masterbuilt Pro Electric Smoker
Here I am gonna tell you some best techniques to use master built pro electric smoker. It is one of the best smoker that is relatively easy to use and provide you much convenience. It is a kind of dual fuel smoker i.e. you can charcoal as well as propane for cooking meat.
The first step is to add wood chips, you can also add charcoal to the wood chips tray. Hickory, mesquite, and oak can be used here also.
Now set the temperature. Almost all kind of masterbuilt electric smoker have the same process, so you can set the temperature to 275 F, same as other masterbuilt smoker and heat the smoker for 45 minutes at that temperature.
Add the meat to the smoker and set the meat temperature at 225 F. This is an average temperature, that will give you a general idea about the meat temperature.
Cook the meat for some three to four hours. After you are done, take the meat out of the smoker and add some great barbecue sauce and put again the meat inside the smoker for 45 minutes.
Once you have completed all the four steps, take out the meat from the smoker, switch if the smoker and here you are done.
Charbroil Electric Smoker
Another kind of smoker that you can use is the char broil electric smoker. It is beneficial to cook with variety of flavors. This electric smoker comes in variety of different types that you can chose from the market according to your requirements.
The first step is to add some water in the water tray. Then turn on the electric smoker, and set the temperature. After that let the smoker get heated. Normally, you can set the temperature at 225 degree Fahrenheit, and it will take 40 to 45 minutes to reach that temperature
In the second, you are goanna put the meat inside the smoker to start the process. You have to put the wood chips also in the wood chips rack and insert it in the smoker. I would recommend using hickory wood chips in char broil electric smoker.
Here you have to set the temperature of the meat. It totally depends upon the type of meat you are going to smoke in the smoker. For beef, you can set the temperature from 195F to 200F. Similarly meat loaf cooks at the temperature of 180 Fahrenheit.
Take out the wood chips from the char broil, and also take the meat out of the smoker. Once you are done all the steps, you need to wrap the meat in a foil and let the meat sit for almost 2 hours, after which our meat will be smoked.
Which wood chips can be used in char broil smoker
- Hickory for some pleasant sweater flavor.
- Maple wood chips can be used if you want sweetest flavor.
- Peach wood can also be used as they burn hot and for a longer time.
Brinkmann Electric Smoker
Just follow the given steps to optimally use your brinksmann electric smoker.
In the fist step, you need to put the water pan containing some amount if water inside the brinkmann electric smoker.
In the second step, you need to put the grill on the top area of the electric smoker.
Add some wood chips in the chips container. You can use Applewood.
Switch on the Brinkmann electric smoker so that we can get it heated. You can pre heat your electric smoker up to 200 F.
Put the meat on the top of the grill and set the meat temperature in the smoker. For turkeys, you can set it to 180 F. Similarly, you can set temperature for beef and chicken as 145F and 180F, respectively. After you are done, wrap the meat in a foil and again put it on the grill for sometime, and that’s all.
Instructions for operating brinkmann electric smoker
Before you start cooking with your brinkmann electric smoker you should keep certain things in mind that will help you carry out everything smoothly.
- Separate the dome lid and smoker body.
- While filling the water pan, make sure the water is warm and should be filled below 1 inch from the top.
- Always make sure to avoid the flow of water to the heating element as it will make everything worse for you.
Smoke Hollow Electric Smoker
Just follow the general steps to use your smoke hollow electric smoker in the perfect way.
In the first step, you are going to chose your wood chips. Normally, hickory and Applewood are used for almost any kind of smoker including the smoke hollow. Just add those wood chips to the tray, and here you are done with the step 1.
In the next step, you are going to insert the controller plug into smoker. This is unique to the smoke hollow electric smoker, and is beneficial in terms of maintenance.
Pre heat the electric smoker, by setting at its maximum temperature (normally it is taken as 225 F) potential for almost 40 to 45 minutes. You’ll be heating the smoker, until you see the smoke coming out.
Once you see the smoke coming from the smoker, it’s time to move to the next level if keeping your meat in the smoker. You can set the meat temperature somewhere, between 100F and 200F.
Let the meat cooked inside the smoker for few hours depending upon the type of meat. Lets take the example of beef. If it is smoked at 225 F, it will take some 6 to 12 hours for the complete process.
In the last step, you are going to remove the meat from the smoker and wrap it in the foil and put again for at least 45 minutes. After you are done, cool down the smoker and take the meat out of the smoker.
Maintenance of smoke hollow Electric Smoker
Caring for maintenance of smokers is very necessary to keep them long lasting, and continue operate efficiently for a longer time.
To keep everything fine, you should rinse the cooking grids and pans with warm water and then allow to dry for some time. This will remove the dirt from these parts and will also make them best suitable to be used for a longer time. Also, you should spray some vegetable oil on the inside area of the smoker which will help you protect it from corrosion.
Bradley Electric Smoker
Bradley electric smoker can be very beneficial in terms of some modern features available right over there. Here are some instructions to follow for using this kind of smoker.
In the first step, add some wood chips to the smoker. You can use hickory, which is the most recommended one.
In the second step, you need to heat your smoker. This four rack smoker should be heated at 240 F, for almost 40 minutes. You can take little time than that if the smoker start emitting the smoke earlier.
After you are done with these two steps, put the meat inside the smoker and set the temperature near to some 185 F. However, the temperature varies according to the type of meat i.e. for brisket it should be 220 F and 150 F for salmon.
Let the smoker work on its own to smoke the meat, usually it will take time from 2 hours to 7 hours, depending upon the type of meat.
After it remains at least an hour to completely cook the meat, take the meat out of the smoker, wrap in a foil and again keep it in the smoker for an hour and here you are done.
Methods to Clean
Here are some perfect tips for you to clean your Bradley electric smoker in a couple of minutes.
- One of the most important part of the smoker is its racks. You should clean the racks by scrubbing them with soup water.
- Similarly you should wash the drip bowl with hot water, using soup solution.
- To remove the smoke residue from the door, you can use wash cloth.
Pit Boss Electric Smoker
Just follow the general steps to use the pit boss electric smoker.
In the first step, add some wood chips to the wood chips tray in your pit boss smoker. You can add oak wood chips and other wood chips like hickory, maple etc.
Heat the smoker at 200 F for some 10 to 12 minutes. When it start showing smoke, you are done with the second step.
Add the meat to your pit boss electric smoker. Make sure you always shut the door, while cooking meat in any electric smoker pit boss. Smoke the meat according to their specified temperatures.
Take the meat out of the smoker and wrap in a foil. After that, place again that meat in the smoker for almost 45 minutes and that’s all.
Tips and Tricks
To get most of your pit boss smoker, it is important to know some best use practices of pit boss.
- The meat should contain as much little fats as possible. This is because more fats won’t allow the smoke to reach the actual meat.
- The colder the meat you’re cooking, the better will be the results.
- Always ty to avoid too much contact of the meat to the flame. You should be heating the meat indirectly.
Top Load Chief Electric Smoker
This smoker can be used for cooking any kind of meat like jerky, ribs and beef etc. It can be used by following the simple steps mentioned here and nothing like rocket science is involved in the process.
Insert the all the grills filled with meat into the grill holder and Pre heat the smoker at some 200 F.
In the next step, put some wood chips in the wood chips tray.
Load the grill with the meat you are going to cook. Please remember that this smoker takes a little more time to quick large amount of meat so you have to use oven in case of cooking more amount if meat.
Cook the meat at an average temperature of 165 degree Fahrenheit. After that wrap in the meat in a foil and re heat the meat in smoker for some 30 minutes.
Electric Vertical Smoker
Vertical smokers are also called as bullet smoker. Even being small in size, still are considered among the most efficient smokers in the market. They are very easy to use as they lack most of their mechanical parts.
Fill the water pan with some amount of water. Here you can add any kind of liquid.
Switch on the vertical smoker and set a specific temperature. Pre heat the smoker for almost 20 minutes until you see the smoke.
Put the meat inside the smoker and for some hours then wrap in the meat inside the foil and took for some more time.
Tips and Tricks to clean
You’ll never want to use a smoker just only once. But if you leave everything un cleaned it may cause some potential issues in cooking further with the same electric vertical smoker. Below are some best tips and tricks that you can use to clean almost every kind of electric smoker.
- Use Apple cedar vinegar for cleaning your electric smoker. Apply this all the dirty parts of the smoker and clean those parts after five minutes and here you’re done.
- You can also use an oven cleaner for cleaning your electric vertical smoker.
- For cleaning the cooking rack it is best by dipping it in soupy mixture.
- Similarly, you can clean the drip trays by applying some oil to them.
Char Broil Vertical Smoker
Char broil vertical smoker is a type of char broil smoker. Just Follow the given steps to use char broil vertical smoker in the best and more efficient way
Fill the wood chips tray with some wood chips in all the chambers.
Just like other smokers pre heat the char broil smoker to make everything goes in a nice way.
Insert the meat in the smoker for cooking.
Why Best
There are many features that the char broil vertical smoker provides, making it one of the best and most reliable electric smoker of the market.
- This vertical electric smoker provide you a large area where you can cook some large amount of meat in a convenient way.
- It helps you manage the degrees of temperature in a better way as compared to its other alternatives.
- It allows you to keep together the water and wood chips or keep them separate in a single plate.
The Final Thought
Mostly every smokers can be used in the same way. The difference lies within old and advanced features that these smokers have. However, if you are on your way towards a market for buying an ideal electric smoker, then definitely you’ll need to know everything about a particular smoker you are going to buy. It seems crucial to be fully aware of all the maintenance and using process of a smoker, if you don’t want to waste some crazy money for buying a machine that can’t meet your needs. And this article provide you in depth understanding of various kinds of smokers to chose from.